Will you pray with my Lord

Will you pray with my Lord, my Lord?                                                                     

He’s alone in Gethsemane.

Will you pray with the Son of God adored?

He calls to you and me.


Will you walk with my Lord?

On the cross He will set you free.

Will you drink when the Savior’s cup is poured?

Will you walk to Calvary?


O Master, let me walk with thee,

humbly the path to Calvary;

Your holy cross before my face,

I rest , o Lord, in your saving grace.


Will you pray with my Lord, my Lord?

When he weeps, will you hear his plea?

Will you pray with the Son of God adored?

He will die for you, He will die for you, at Calvary.


Tekst en muziek: Patrick M. Liebergen

Uitgever: Unisong Music Publishers bv, Hilversum